Shops & Stores
Know of a business or service located within Guysborough County that is not part of this directory and should be? Be sure to submit it to our directory here.
- Bond and Hart’s Convenience902-366-2652
- Bud’s Kwikway902-522-2325
- Canso Co-Op902-366-2330
- Causeway Diver Supply902-747-2429
- Chedabucto Home Hardware902-533-2883
- Choice Atlantic Seafoods Inc902-366-2391
- Crazy Daisy Floral Boutique902-870-3329
- Ecum Secum Gift Shop and Treasures902-347-2271
- Great Canadian Dollar Store902-533-2123
- Hart’s of Boylston General Store782-452-2052
- Highland Building Supplies902-522-2091
- Mann’s Your Independent Grocer902-533-4070
- Nova Scotia Liquor Commission, Guysborough902-533-3708
- Nova Scotia Liquor Commission, Mulgrave902-747-2323
- Nova Scotia Liquor Commission, Sherbrooke902-522-2229
- Sherbrooke Village Clover Farm902-522-2999
- The Soap Company of Nova Scotia902-522-2114
- Whitney’s Corner Store902-364-2017
- Wilson’s Cove902-209-3260