Please note that only businesses or organizations located within Guysborough County, Nova Scotia are listed on Visit Guysborough. To join the directory you must have accurate and available contact information for the general public. Seasonal operations are welcome to apply but must specify the general season in which they operate (i.e. – summer). As Visit Guysborough is built to be a resource and not a replacement for a company’s own online presence, please add links to the appropriate social media or website platforms where the public can view your business hours, special, sales, or other time-sensitive information.

All submissions are subject to review and if approved will be added to the directory within two business days.

Business Name

Please use your common use name (as it appears on signage) to ensure it is recognizable for travelers or new clients.

Contact Information


Business Description

Please select the single category that best describes your business.
I attest that this business has all required licenses and registrations (etc.) required to operate in Nova Scotia.


Nova Scotia

Featured Image

Please select a single image (jpg or png) to represent your organization. Images containing text, advertisements, or detailed graphics will be rejected. Maximum file size is 5242880 kb (5 MB).

Social Media