Farmers & Producers
Know of a business or service located within Guysborough County that is not part of this directory and should be? Be sure to submit it to our directory here.
- Archibald Dairy Farm902-833-2626
- Cornect Family Farm902-833-2747
- Forgotten Shore Farm902-318-1965
- Fortune Oysters902-651-2622
- G. Bezanson’s Milling902-347-2375
- Graham Kirk Blueberry Farm902-833-2823
- Guysborough District Fish & Game Association902-830-8058
- Holy Hill Farm902-833-2285
- Hortons Cove Local Farm902-338-1000
- John Roland MacDonald902-522-2268
- K & N Fisheries Limited902-525-2252
- K.A.A.P. Lumbermill and Products902-779-2280
- Kaiser Marine902-364-2002
- L&E MacGrath Bros Enterprises902-833-2343
- Longshore Fisheries902-522-2592
- Murray Feltmate Blueberry Farm902-783-2812
- New Arch Forest Contractors Limited902-833-2343
- Northeastern Christmas Tree Association902-783-2758
- Peter Archibald Forestry902-867-7198
- S. B. Cook Lumber Co. Limited902-533-2235
- Thrill Hill Farm902-318-9278
- Tor Bay Fisheries Ltd. & WT Grover Fisheries Ltd.902-525-2423
- W M Schrader Fisheries902-525-2737