Provincial, Municipal & Town Organizations
Know of a business or service located within Guysborough County that is not part of this directory and should be? Be sure to submit it to our directory here.
- Canso Public Library902-366-2955
- Canso Volunteer Fire Dept.902-366-2798
- Chedabucto Bay Folk Society902-366-2399
- Country Harbour Gun Club902-328-2555
- Cyril Ward Memorial Library902-533-6586
- Department of Community Services902-533-3822
- Eastern Mainland Housing Authority902-533-2292
- GFL Waste Management Facility902-232-2316
- Guysborough County Inshore Fishermens Association902-366-2266
- Guysborough Waterfront Development Society902-870-4358
- Liscomb Legion902-779-2006
- Mulgrave Library902-747-2588
- Mulgrave Town Office902-747-2243
- Mulgrave Volunteer Fire Department902-747-3191
- Municipality of the District of Guysborough902-533-3705
- Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s902-522-2049
- Royal Canadian Legion, Canso902-366-2960
- Royal Canadian Legion, Guysborough902-533-3396
- Royal Canadian Legion, Mulgrave902-747-3206
- Service Canada1-800-622-6232
- Shamrock Senior Citizens & Pensioners Club902-366-2767
- Sherbrooke Legion902-522-2797
- Sherbrooke Library902-522-2180
- St. Mary’s District Lions Club902-522-2949
- Sunnyville Community Association902-533-2101